Coding and programming: a crucial need for today’s generation 

Coding and programming generally means the process where an individual tells a machine which action to perform and how to complete a particular task. These are done with the help of a set of programs I.e. a set pattern of instructions that are framed in a particular format. If one talks in terms of technical language then programming is a technological process where an individual gives instructions to the computer regarding which tasks to perform in order to solve a particular problem. 

In today’s time it’s very important to learn coding because it teaches one very valuable skill: critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity. Due to all these reasons it’s very important these days that even the students learn about the art of coding and programming as it has multiple benefits. One of the key reasons is that we are living in a digital era where technology is encroaching on every field therefore learning these skills is the need of the hour as it’s even valued in the workforce. As everyone can witness that we are moving towards a digital era where every tool, the products we use and every thing is getting digitalis so in the mere future the work opportunities for this particular sector are gonna rise exponentially.

Coding is a very tricky and complex activity which for some looks very easy but for others is a task. There are several reasons behind it I.e. Even finding a small loophole requires a lot of attention and it’s basically a problem solving activity where the individual breaks the bigger problems into smaller sets which is further converted into human understandable simple algorithmic solutions. And particularly this skill can be applied to a wide range of areas in general life or any other field and is particularly of great help. Learning coding offers a multi purpose diaspora that helps one get skilled in the future not just for this sector but for a lot of fields like business management, finance, engineering, marketing etc. as one can easily apply the skills of problem solving or manipulating formulation or calculation etc. in any of the fields.

Also this skill of problem solving it imbibed within comes itself with a lot of perks like a person coming up on the same solution using different tricks and methods that helps one widen their thinking capabilities. This unleashes the skill to seek out a particular problem in a more creative and effective way and opens up new possibilities of opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in various sectors. Coding is both creative and technical or scientific by nature as it requires an eye for the person to look up into the details and go behind the process of those particular things, and it also requires a creative mind. On the other hand it also requires the troubleshooting abilities that one needs to have within themselves. One of the most important aspects of coding is to learn the art of persistence and calmness in one’s life because coding perspective also involves trial and error thinking for which one needs to stay calm and come up with different ways to come to the final solution. This will eventually help students in their life as they will not get easily disheartened from their life when life thrashes them with failure on their face; rather they will have the zeal to keep going on and come up with new ways to be successful and accomplish that particular thing. 

Inculcation of all these traits within oneself due to the power of coding that they persist within themselves eventually boosts the sense of confidence within that particular individual. And finally one the most important traits about learning it is developing the knowledge of digital equity. Digital equity means having equal skills to access, choose and effectively use digital technology to find, evaluate, create and communicate information regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, background or any other such factors. So it’s very important the child is empowered with these skills so that he or she plays effectively both in the field of coding as well as in real life.

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