Exams are part and parcel of our life. It doesn’t mean that we need to over-stress ourselves. Most of the time students are not concerned about the exams, rather all are thinking about the marks and ranks. Here they are, once again. That time of the year when every student is stressed, anxious and depressed. Why? Exams are knocking. Well, here are some tips you can follow which might help you to overcome the stress and anxiety.  

  • Walking
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Go for a walk. During study sessions we are seated for a really long time which strains our body and mind. Developing a habit of going on small walks around the locality or park will help a lot in releasing stress. The fresh breeze of air and some socialization is enough to open up the occupied minds.

  • Proper Sleeping Schedule  
Sleeping Man

Sacrificing sleep during exams for going an extra mile is a normal thing for all but the truth is no matter how much we study or how long we study, our brain is not going to work without the essential amount of sleep. During the exam preparation period or during the exams, we must try to sleep for at least six hours.

  • Balanced Diet 

Taking care of what we put inside our body. We must not forget our three essential meals of the day and must try to reduce the intake of junk food and fast food.  Inculcating fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods in our everyday diet is necessary for a healthy body and mind.

  • Hydration  

Keeping our body hydrated is one of the most essential things to do. It helps us in increasing our focus and motivation regarding the same. To reduce the amount of stress from our body, we must make sure to keep ourselves hydrated.  

  • Exercise, Yoga And Meditation 

To reduce the stress and anxiety we need to workout. It helps in keeping our mind and body relaxed and light. They keep both body and mind active which increases productivity. For mental peace, when we get mentally tired and exhausted, we must try meditation. Stretching helps a lot to ease out muscles and reduce the pain caused by long hours of sitting.

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  • Emotional Support 

We must talk to our close ones because emotional support is very necessary during such episodes. It helps us to introspect and find out the best solution for the situation and come out of it. For many of us, being vocal is not the cup of tea, so that doesn’t mean that we will turn mute. We can do some activities that give us joy and allow us to forget our competitive world for that particular time period like playing games or writing something or some other activities. Mental health and safety is more important than any exam or grade in this world.  So let’s take a deep breath and relax. We must keep our hands on our hearts and say “All Is Well!

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