April 2023

Pre-school Education

Early childhood education: A milestone to Blossoming future

Children are the most innocent and rather most talented individuals in the human species. According to the research, the human brain develops up to 70% of its adult size within one year of age and up to 85% within 3 years of age i.e. the development of hundreds of neural signals which is responsible for better communication as well as the development of human thought. So all this study indicates that a child is very capable to grasp educational knowledge and develop social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in his or her early ages of life. Therefore early childhood education provided to children in their kindergarten and preschool years of life is a crucial one as it helps in the overall development of the child for the mere future (as these years act as a stepping stone for a child). 

Early childhood education: A milestone to Blossoming future Read More »



The field of computers and information technology has rapidly evolved over the past decade, leading to an increase in demand for professionals in this field. With the rise of digital technology and the internet, the scope of careers in computers and IT has also increased. Here are some popular career options in this field along with their requirements, eligibility, scope, and pay…


Top Engineering Entrance exams other than JEE…

Engineers are the foundation builders of our society and play a vital role in shaping a particular country in a best-suited manner. For getting enrolled in this particular field different types of examinations are being conducted each of them having tier own set of examination criteria and admission processes. One of the most well-known examinations, to get enrolled in this field, is JEE. But it’s not the only one as there exist several other engineering entrance exams too other than this. Read to know more…

Top Engineering Entrance exams other than JEE… Read More »

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Exams are part and parcel of our life. It doesn’t mean that we need to over-stress ourselves. Most of the time students are not concerned about the exams, rather all are thinking about the marks and ranks. Here they are, once again. That time of the year when every student is stressed, anxious and depressed. Why? Exams are knocking. Well, here are some tips you can follow which might help you to overcome the stress and anxiety.  


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Financial Literacy: Must have skill for today’s generation

Children are innocent and can easily be moulded in the way one wants, which is a very important thing that needs to be understood these days. A very commonly heard word these days is financial literacy which means to have a good understanding of money and where one should properly use it. The key areas that one should pay attention to are budgeting, investing, credit management, personal financial management, etc. People usually have this perception that once a person faces the world and becomes financially stable then that’s the right time to know financial literacy but that’s a wrong perception because a child can be well trained from his or her very youth regarding the value of money. Whether it comes to managing as small chores as managing their pocket money and cutting down their day-to-day unnecessary expenses.

Financial Literacy: Must have skill for today’s generation Read More »

How to take admission in PhD course? Explained!

Getting a Ph.D. degree is the highest level of qualification and is seen with great respect in any particular country. Ph.D. stands for Doctor of Philosophy and generally the duration lasts from 3 to 6 years depending on different courses and their modules. It’s a Doctorate degree and prepares individuals to do research in that particular chosen field making them skilled in problem-solving skills, communication skills, critical thinking, etc.

How to take admission in PhD course? Explained! Read More »

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